Important Notice : All students registered for Convocation to report at Srimanta Sankardeva International Auditorium, Kalashetra, Guwahati at 7:30AM on 27th May '22.
Posted on : May 21, 20222ND CONVOCATION
Guidelines for the Candidates
1. The second convocation of Cotton University for conferring Degrees will be held on 27th May, 2022 in Srimanta Sankardeva International Auditorium, Kalakshetra at Guwahati.
2. The candidates will have to report at the venue at 7.30 a.m.
3. The academic robes will be distributed to the eligible candidates at the venue from 7.30 a.m.
4. Candidates collecting the robes must produce the payment acknowledgement obtained after registration or the photostat copy of the final marksheet
5. The Student's procession will start at 9 a.m.
6. The awardees must return the robes soon after the convocation on 27th May, 2022.
7. The candidates will receive their degrees and awards in person. They are not permitted to authorize any one to collect the award on their behalf.
8. Candidates must follow Covid appropriate behavior during the entire proceedings of the event.
9. All students must come in formal dress.